Wall Sawing

Serving the Entire State of Louisiana
Phone: 225-667-6201
Toll Free: 866-667-6201
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Residential • Commercial • Industrial
Residential • Commercial • Industrial

Wall Sawing

Cutting Through Stubborn Concrete

From creating electrical and plumbing openings to windows and air ventilation tracks, Capitol City Concrete LLC has the equipment and skilled staff you need to complete your construction or remodeling project. We will create the proper opening for your needs the first time through.

The Shape You Need

Whether you need a door or window opening or another shape cut in your concrete wall, our superior equipment will provide the cut you need. With our superior tools and equipment, we will precisely carve the space you need for a new door, utility panel, HVAC, or window. No matter the modification you need, we will ensure it is cut efficiently and accurately.

Protecting Your Structure

Without professional assistance, sawing through your concrete wall may damage the structural integrity of your building. With our experienced team on your side, you can be sure your property 
A man sawing the wall
A man sawing the wall
will be taken care of. We use only the best tools to saw through your walls, allowing us to carve the perfect opening for your project without weakening the surrounding structure.
A man sawing the wall

Precise Equipment

Not only can our top-of-the-line saws and tools create precise, efficient openings in your concrete walls and ceilings, but they can also create those holes at whatever angle your project requires. Our wall saws are equipped to cut vertically, horizontally, or at any angle. This versatility allows us to carve a precise opening every time, whether the hole is for piping, electrical wiring, or ventilation.

Speak to a Member of Our Staff

If you are making modifications to a concrete structure on your residential property, in your commercial office building, or at an industrial warehouse, we have the tools and expert staff you can trust to complete your project on time at an affordable price. Call our office today to learn more about our wall sawing services and get a free estimate.
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